About Us:
We decided to start this blog as a way to talk about the important issues in our lives. The subjects of Grace and Guns seemed to come up often in our discussions on other social media outlets, hence the name. But you will find more than just those two topics opined here. What you won’t find are one-sided, narrow-minded opinions here. We like to examine life from all angles and we consider every well-reasoned argument. Hope you enjoy!
About Dion:
Dion grew up a military brat but spent most of his formative years growing up in the Washington, DC area. He followed in his father’s footsteps after graduating from college and commissioned in the US Air Force. He’s spent the past decade and a half serving his country all over the globe, including a deployment to Afghanistan.
Dion felt a hunger for “something more” in his life in middle school, so he decided to start attending church with his grandparents. Soon after, his parents and sister joined him and church became a regular Sunday morning affair for the whole family. Dion enrolled in confirmation class and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. He continued to attend church regularly through high school, college, and even into early adulthood, until he found that there was still something missing that church couldn’t provide.
It wasn’t until meeting his (now) wife, Melissa, that Dion was introduced to Aaron Budjen (http://www.livinggodministries.net/) and the remaining “something missing” fell into place. Throughout his teens and twenties, Dion struggled with questions of guilt, sin, forgiveness, and holiness. It wasn’t until hearing Aaron’s teachings on the true nature of Grace that Dion began to embrace a close relationship with God and let go of the guilt he’d carried for so many years.
About Melissa:
Melissa grew up in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas, and then lived for 15 years in CO before meeting Dion and joining him in the military nomadic life. She has held a wide variety of jobs falling under the broad category of “communications.” Currently she is a technical editor for a software company. She’s also writing her first novel, a project that is taking many years!
Melissa was always seeking deeper levels of meaning and experience, but due to several bad experiences with it and its seeming lack of logic, she had rejected Christianity very early. After trying and eventually discarding seemingly every other option, she was blessed at 33 years old to hear the true grace message. She listened to Aaron Budjen’s radio programs for about a year and a half before concluding that she’d found the answer at last. Accepting Jesus as her savior and the Holy Spirit as her guide has changed everything for her in the most profound ways.
When she’s in the states, Melissa is also an NRA instructor, teaching the safe and effective handling of firearms. She believes that responsible gun ownership is extremely important, so she donates her time to help make that vision a reality.